2017年4月15日 星期六

Corporate Visit Part 3--TVBS Broadcast Station

  The last destination of  our corporate visit is --TVBS television station. I have been looking forward to taking a look inside a television station, especially a news broadcasting station. The reason is that I often watch news in TV after classes while eating my dinner, and I am quite curious about how a TV program or show was produced. Therefore, although it's the last stop of our corporate visit, I was still energetic lol.
   In front of the building of TVBS, there's a large and obvious statue which carries its name on it, indicating the visitors that this is where their destination is.
  In the first floor of TVBS building, there's a room for reporters to broadcast the news on air. To my surprised, the room is surrounding by transparent glasses. Thus, you can see  a news reporter broadcasting news in side the room. What an amazing design, but it's a little bit as seeing animals in the zoo.
   After that, we went to a room for videotaping a TV program which is really famous in Taiwan called 小燕有約. Because the employers are videotaping, we need to be extremely quite inside the room. By the way, this is my first time to see 張小燕 who is a famous TV host in Taiwan! It is probably the most memorable experience of my corporate visit.
  Moreover, we went to their office. It's a place for reporters and journalists to edit their news and reports. Also, some little TV program are videotaping over here. In the picture above, there was a news reporter broadcasting news about human health on live while we walked inside.
 There are also a room for videotaping other TV programs. When they are not using, it becomes a place for visitors like us to take photos, since it's rare for a person to have a chance to sit on the chair which  only seen on TV lol.
  Thanks for reading three parts of my corporate visit, if you like it please give me some replies, and don't forget to read my blog next week!

3 則留言:

  1. I can't believe you write three parts of it! lol
    Now I know how enriched the activity was, maybe we can talk about it when we are free, or we only chat about games and girls......
    By the way, will you go again next year? We can go together next time!

  2. I also surprised about you can write your corporate visit for three parts, it seems a very meaningful even. Like what Felix said, I want to join the corporate visit next year, hope our department will have this event every year. Thanks for your detail comment of the trip, see you next week~

  3. Unbelievable Did you really attend the live shooting? It looks so nice to have this experience. I am so envy...
    hope our department will have this event every year. Thanks for your detail comment of the trip, see you next week~
