Do you click into my article for seeing the most amazing thing in the world? If yes, congratulation! You are baited by a clickbait. So, what is a clickbait? According to Wikipedia, Clickbait is a pejorative term for web content that is aimed at generating online advertising revenue, especially at the expense of quality or accuracy, relying on sensationalist headlines or eye-catching thumbnails pictures to attract click-throughs and to encourage forwarding of the material over online social networks. Clickbait headlines typically aim to exploit the "curiosity gap", providing just enough information to make readers curious, but not enough to satisfy their curiosity without clicking through to the linked content. In brief, that means editor would use a horrifying title to get your attention so that you might click into their article or video.
Below are some common clickbait examples:
1. Shocking/ amazing/ unbelievable results
This type of clickbait headlines work in two parts. The first part explains the plot which is usually very catchy. The second part says that there is more to the plot and that the outcome is quite astonishing. The bait lies in the second part because it challenges our imagination power by using the phrases like: ‘…You won’t believe…’, ‘…shocking result’, ‘…too good to be true’ etc.
2. Mysterious stories
They are the most common ones. They make the readers get interested in someone else’s life but, in a very convincing manner.
3. Instances of people’s stupidity on social media
We all like making fun of other people. It makes us feel superior and intelligent. Posts like this always get a lot of views and truth be told, they are actually fun to read!
4. A challenge to your IQ
Honestly, I have been fooled by this type of clickbait not once, not twice but many times. But, who is to blame?…some of these questions are interesting to solve, whereas, most of them are simple 3rd grade mathematics.
5. ‘Tricky’ stuffs
They use the term ‘simple tricks’ to attract more viewers.
I mean…Come on!!!
6. The fear inducing stuff
They are as manipulative as the number 2, but they use the ‘fear’ element and this type of clickbait is targeted towards a specific group of people.